New 5 Year Strategy and Vision for CO-OPS
A New Five Year Strategy for the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services

We are pleased and excited to introduce our FY19-23 Strategic Plan that will guide our planning and decisions over the next five years. This plan takes a different approach than its predecessors by focusing primarily on those strategic objectives that we, our partners, and our stakeholders have identified as the key areas we most need to advance in the coming years.
While we will continue to support the broader range of activities we are responsible for, focusing on the plan’s objectives will help ensure we advance the benefits that are most meaningful to our users and our workforce. The plan’s three goals and underlying objectives focus on 1) providing the best products and services for our users; 2) continually enhancing our ocean observation systems and models; and 3) promoting a high performing workforce.
Thank you for taking the time to read our plan and we certainly welcome any comments you may wish to share.
Download Plan (8.8MB PDF)Access the NOS 2024-2028 Strategic Plan
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Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)NOS 2024-2028 Strategic Plan